Game Purpose

Write a 100-word (roughly) blog response to Jane McGonigal’s talk

Do you agree with what she says? If so, why? If not, why?
I agree with Jane McGonigal because she provides facts to support her ideas and beliefs.

Why does Jane think that Games could change the world?
Jane thinks that gamers can change the world due to the amount of problem solving they do when playing games. Collectively, the amount of time people around the world playing video games is 3 billion hours a week. She believes that we need to play ‘more better games’ in order to solve the world’s problems such as poverty, hunger, climate change, global conflict and more. 

What was the most interesting fact or message for you from this talk?
I thought one of the most interesting facts in Jane McGonigal’s talk was the world’s second most wiki in the world is World of Warcraft Wiki. It amazes me that a fictional/virtual world is being built by millions of users around the world. People from around the world have played 5.93 million years of World of Warcraft in total. It’s amazing to know that millions of people around the world invested this much time into a virtual reality. To escape their reality, their struggles, and conflicts playing a video game.   
