

  • Create a Gamefroot account 
  • Create a Gamefroot video game using Gamefroot website
  • Target audience: fellow teenagers and members of the Gamefroot online community
  • Game research (Task 2 & 3) - Play games in task sheet, answer questions in blog. Must contain 200 words and at least 4 images and one video of the game-play
  • Game research (Task 4) - Play the video game "The End" and answer questions in task sheet. Must contain 300 words about the Objective of The End. What is it trying to teach us?
  • Critically discuss elements (story, art and game-play) in 4 published Gamefroot games. Aim for 50 words each element. Roughly about 150 words for each Gamefroot game 

Keep a record of your doings! Discuss milestones, ideas, development and challenges you may come across.

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